Perfectly Imperfect

I couldn’t see anything beyond the periphery of my torchlight. With every muscle in my body urging me to return to the warmth and comfort of my bed, and my buddy’s not-so-melodious voice singing, “ain’t no ocean deep enough,” echoing in the background, I dove in.

Posted on April 9, 2024 .

It's Just Down Memory Lane

Some say the streets of Fantasma were haunted. Others say they were cursed. Not a lot of businesses were open around those parts. Except for one. A small café by the name of Selene was strangely always open at nighttime.

Posted on April 9, 2024 .

Ghost Town

It was as if my thoughts had followed Frieda. Together they had left Bell Springs in the dust, the town growing smaller in their bus’s rear-view window. Without them, I had begun to see the town Frieda had despised slowly inverted like the negative of a photo.

Posted on April 9, 2024 .

My Next Distraction

The essence of romance captured in a series of photos. My dream world organized in folders made public, so anyone can peek into the phantom of a world that I created for myself. That’s what I could be doing right now.

Posted on April 9, 2024 .

The Right Shade of Brown

My casual, nonchalant answer to his high-stakes question offends him. I can feel his accusing eyes burning into me as I take a sip of my Coke. Are they full of envy or plain disgust for my privilege?

Posted on April 9, 2024 .

Melodies for the Gaunt 

So long did I wander, in vain efforts to find again the beautiful melody. So that the days and nights seemed as one long fog in my mind and I could not recognize dawn from dusk, haunted all the while by a desperation-like to the most poignant of addicts.

Posted on April 9, 2024 .

Hold Me in Istanbul

He chose architecture for its permanence, the grandeur of a beautiful creation, a perfect marriage of mathematics, engineering, history and art from a mere plot of land.

Posted on September 7, 2023 .

A Mother's Pride

As I looked at my mom, the woman who has been my role model my entire life, I felt the feeling in my stomach disappear. Maybe I hadn’t accomplished what my mom had at my age, but that didn’t have to mean I failed.

Posted on September 7, 2023 .