Unbecoming Prophecy: an exercise in psychosis, after Roxanna Bennett
by Khashayar Mohammadi
community feature // online exclusive (Vol 2, Issue 9)
consider yourself pre-cosmic
pre IS and -ism
pre Cause and -cosm
/the heat map of an eyelid
that lightsource
think of this as your birth
think of this as your death
think of an animal
and the alchemy gazing through their eyes
don’t move
consider that there is nothing outside vision
think about it not as light and shadow
but as three dimensional color
that inflates to hug the shape it bleeds away from
see it for the first time
is this language?
consider your constructs
consider your reason
consider a poem as a voice that vibrates
consider the vibration as an excitation of air
hear the oscillations of air that precede words
the mechanics of a sound
hear the friction: X X
hear the plosion: B B
move your body
locate the process
locate where in the body you move
locate where in the body moves you
locate where in your body is your body
where in your body do you feel your self
where weighs heavier against your life
Is it your head? your heart? your throat
or perhaps your spine? a fingertip
move without knowing
move without knowing
the discomfort of doubt
cosmic dejection: meet objects for the first time
are you sure they feel how you think they feel?
reach out and touch them for the first time
try to push through
move your body into an uncomfortable position
feel your body in tension with the world resist
float in this tension
interpret the tension as an endless cosmic fall in the universe
where do you situate yourself
within your body
within your mind
how big are you in the abyss of an eyelid?
a galaxy or a particle
are you solid or nebulous?
open your eyes and consider the spectra of (UN)consciousness you’ve inhabited
and consider reality as product of dualism
consider body as a rejection of dualism
consider mind as a product of body
consider the mind not continuous in a line, but on a sphere
x.through body, y.through mind, z.through time
resist the music
resist the tempo
resist harmony
Leibniz forgot to consider
truths of delirium
truths of unreason
truths of absurdity
open your eyes
for the very first time
this is your unbecoming
Khashayar “Kess” Mohammadi (He/They) is a queer, Iranian born, Toronto-based Poet, Writer and Translator. They were shortlisted for the 2021 Austin Clarke poetry prize, they are the winner of the 2021 Vallum Poetry Prize and the author of three poetry chapbooks and two translated poetry chapbooks. Their debut poetry collection Me, You, Then Snow is out with Gordon Hill Press. Their second book WJD is forthcoming in a double volume with the translation of Saeed Tavanaee’s The Ocean Dweller from Gordon Hill Press fall 2022. Their collaborative poetry manuscript with poet Klara Du Plessis is forthcoming with Palimpsest Press Fall 2023.
Formerly the AbleHamilton Poetry Collective, the Ontario D/deaf/HoH, Disabled, Sick, Mad and Neuroatypical Poetics Collective comprises a group of poets from those identities who work to host events for members of their communities and promote their writing. Founded in 2018 as a literary festival dedicated to the work of Deaf and disabled artists in Ontario, the collective has had ties to the cities of Toronto, Hamilton, Guelph, and Ottawa but is now able to feature poets from across the province thanks to a shift to an online festival. As an organization, the collective works to overcome systemic barriers, conduct accessible events, and feature all Deaf and disabled performers.